Monday, August 13, 2007

The First Day

Today is Max's first day at school. Since I did the registration about a week and a half ago, I have been adjusting his routine in order to get up and out at a reasonable time. I adjusted the routine so that when I start school in two weeks it won't be such a shock to him being dropped off at 7 am. Things went pretty smooth this morning, although Max did want to be up at 5:30. He woke up and started calling mommy mommy mommy about 5 minutes before my alarm was to go off. So I tried to get him back to sleep at least for a little while; because once he is out of bed I can't get anything done.

So I got Max out of bed at 6 this morning, he was really excited because his shoes were put on before breakfast (that must mean we are going somewhere). He actually ate his breakfast faster than normal today, which surprised me. Usually, it takes him about 40 minutes to eat so I allotted that amount of time today and he only took about 25 minutes. I let him play for a bit then we were out the door by 6:50.

Once we got to the childcare center he decided he did not want to go in. So I am carrying his pack of diapers, lunch, a bag full of other misc. items, and trying to pull him along quicker. We got in and he was being a grump and scowling at everyone. I was really surprised that he did not cry. His last day of daycare was March 31st so he has been home with me since then, furthermore he wasn't really in childcare that long, he started Nov. 06-mar. 07. Needless to say I thought today would be a nightmare. I brought him back out to the little cafeteria, after dropping all his items in the classroom, and said goodbye. While I was writing out the check for the first week they walked him down the hall to distract him. But he didn't make a sound. I think he will be fine today. He definitely took this morning better than I did. I cried as soon as I shut the door behind me walking to the car. I couldn't bring myself to go home right away either; and now that I am here it is so quiet and I don't know what to do with myself!

So two weeks and the routine changes again and I will be going to school also!