Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sometimes he breaks my heart!

Well, Max's daycare experience went fairly well, from what I was told. I brought Nonni and Pap to see his new school when I picked him up. As soon as he saw me he started running, calling me, and crying, I could have just cried. When he got to me he clung on for dear life and wouldn't look at anyone not even me. He just kinda put his head down. I showed them around and talked to the lady at the front, she informed us that he did really well.

I know that it takes a while for kids to get adjusted to new surroundings, but I didn't think that it would be this hard. I guess the difference is I never dropped him off, I always picked him up. It also is more difficult this time because he has been home with me for so long.

This morning was day two. It didn't go as well as yesterday, although I didn't expect that it would. Today, he walked in fine, carrying his little lunch box, but when we got inside he remembered he didn't want to be left there. So, he tried to throw a temper tantrum, which was just heartbreaking. I got him into the other room, with much difficulty, and a young girl had to take over and help calm him. She ended up walking him down the hallway again and the whole time he is screaming to me and holding out his arms.

Eventually it will get better. I don't know how much I can take though I feel as if I will break down the moment I am on the other side of the door. I guess once I am in school it will serve as a distraction for me. Max will get used to this new change I just hope he does it soon. :(