Sunday, July 29, 2007

Complete Chaos!

Well I have heard the word about being accepted into this school program! It was a great relief to finally know, then it sets in how much I have to do in the interim. I have been trying in vain to get the FAFSA filled out, and to get the "number" the the FA dept. needs in order to see what loans I qualify for. I was told... "oh sure, it only takes about 20 mins." ..... 20 mins. my a$$...... I was trying to fill this thing out for an hour, and it still isn't complete. Granted, all i need is to sign it electronically, however, I need to wait 3 business days in order to do so. I guess it is all a little frustrating.

I am scheduled for my FA appt. at the school on Tuesday. So we'll see then what else I need to have done asap! As for the rest of my world, I need to call and interview childcare centers, reapply for Max's HC, and make arraignments so that this is all going to work and go smoothly when I start school on the 27th. I could just scream!!! It seems like there is an awful lot to do in one months time.

I guess I shouldn't complain. It could have been worse. If I wasn't accepted I would be doing most of the same things... just wouldn't have a deadline. So YEA I am accepted :)