Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Come on Friday!

I am so ready to start my A&P class. I have been ready since .... the beginning of Intro to Computers. I don't think it is the class that is bothering me it is the people in it! I don't know maybe I am a horrible person but if people keep complaining, crying, and threatening NOT to do something b/c it is too hard I might just pull my hair out! I am usually a very nice and even tempered person ... I just don't know about some of these people. Enough venting.
Friday we take our last quiz and the final in Intro to Computers. I thought that class was pretty good. It was a bit dry and slow going but I don't think that it was the instructor Mr. Cowland is awesome.... it was more or less the mix of experience levels in the class. SO Friday is the final I am super stoked and then Monday we start in A&P.... and the best part is not having to dress in business casual :) Finally some scrubs and sneakers.
BTW... It is NOT weird to compete with someone for grades! You know everyone does it .... this time we are actually verbally consenting knowledge of our little ...competition :)