Well Max is definitely all boy and has reached the "terrible two's"! Yesterday I went to pick him up from daycare, they were all outside playing. He has a lot of fun there but when it is time to come home he is ready ...for now anyway ;). So on the way home we are saying bye to all the cars and trucks and whatever we may pass. As soon as we got home and out of the car the temper starts.
I don't usually mind his tempers because I have found if you ignore him then he will either give up or calm down and want to be held so we came inside and had a snack. After his snack he insisted to have more and when I said no (because dinner was in 1 1/2 hours) he threw another fit. this one lasted about ten maybe fifteen minutes until I convinced him to go outside and play in the backyard for a little while. Mind you I convinced him, which is a first!
So Max is outside playing between his sandbox and the big car while I sit down to enjoy my cup of tea and make a phone call. Before I even sit down I noticed Max picking up something from the ground (which appeared to be mulch from his play area) I didn't think too much about it until he ripped a small piece from it and attempted to put it in his mouth. When I call out to him "What do you think you are doing?? No Max " he turned his head and scowled at me for a few seconds before saying broken and then placing the larger piece in his mouth! So I said no again got up and walked out to retrieve this "mulch" only to find that it is not mulch it is a enormous dead grasshopper!
I went to take it from him saying it was dirty he snatched his hands away and started running away yelling "LET GO" ... so he doesn't say mine but I hear let go all the time! Needless to say it took me a couple tries before I actually got this dead bug from him. Only after he had proceeded to rip all of the legs off and one of the wings off. Having a boy is.... interesteing