Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Swollen lips & loose tongues

I had my interview this past Wednesday. I think that it went alright?? I have been on a lot of interviews for different things over the years, and have conducted about a dozen or so myself, however, this I was not expecting. I liked the lady that interviewed me, the director of the nursing department, but she seemed a little eccentric. So I walked out of the interview very unsure; I also just couldn't seem to find the right words during the interview itself. I don't exude an overabundance of self confidence, although I am very confident in my capabilities; therefore I just really felt out of my element.

The first couple questions were just like any other interview: describe you best quality, describe your worst quality, tell me your interests in the nursing profession as a whole; however it was the next question that threw me for a loop.
"'What is you favorite vegetable?"....uhhhh what? So the first thing that comes to mind is zucchini ( because I was thinking of making zucchini bread before we left).. She thought that was an odd question so we talked about squash for quite a while. nearing the interview close she finally takes a look at my letters of recommendation and my resume and says ...."I hope to see you soon".... I am not sure if that means she is on my side and going to put in a good word when the selection board meets, or if she is just saying that to close every interview. I can honestly say that I walked out of there rather stunned.....vegetables??? lol

The news on all the birdies... I am attempting to get back into school. Jason went on a job interview/assesment today. Nicholas is ten, annoyed constantly and thinks his summer is no fun.

So yesterday we are all here (except mom she is working and Jason he is getting interview clothes from the mall) and I was talking to Mom on the phone. She was on her way home and asking me to put on the teapot and start making the tea b/c she would be here in like five minutes. We are talking while i am filling the pot with water, and Moose is stirring/eating his fruit loops in a bowl on the floor right next to me. Pap left the room so Max started to follow him. Mind you I have put the water on at this point and hung up the phone, about 10 secs. or less right?? I walked out of the kitchen to retrieve Max from the living room and go change the D. and the child is walking up to me with a mouth full of blood.
He didn't make a sound until he saw me. Then he let this full out wail go on until he had no breath at all and stopped breathing.
That sounds terrifying and bad to have him not breathing, but he does this to me everytime he gets hurt. it is almost like he forgets he has to breath. he has actually passed out for a couple seconds. It sounds terrible but I don't freak out too much anymore because I know that if he does this he will pass out and his autonomic nervous system kicks in and he breaths fine.....
So any ... I have no idea what he did, talk about your mommy guilt, just a mouth full of blood. Upon further observation, once he is not blue baby and breathing fine, he has a fat lip. I am not sure if he fell or what but he sliced his top lip with his teeth.
I get him calmed down and the bleeding stopped and this kid starts walking around the house running his tounge over his lip so that it continues to bleed. I am making dinner at this point (or getting ready to) and he is walking by me saying "mmmmm good" .... Gross kid drinking his own blood. So that is our first real boo boo. Well the first one involving blood . I am sure there are many more to come because he is a risk taker

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