Saturday, March 17, 2007

school or something like it

If someone would have told me about ten years ago that I would have a son at my age now, I would have laughed in their face. I think it is interesting how things all work out. I have been catching up with some old friends and hearing about everyone I went to school with back in the day :) and it is interesting to hear about some of those lives!SOme of them have like three kids, others have none but almost have their PHD in something.
I find it interesting how different choices can impact lives so greatly. If you knew me when I was young everyone knew I was destined for greatness. I had it all planned out; finishing H.S., getting my PHD in Psychology, and have three books written by the time I was 28. I wouldn't go as far to say that I never wanted kids; and I certianly did not put my life on hold simply because I was pregnant. I absolutley don't regret what has happened in life at all. It is just an interesting change of direction that I never really saw coming.
Everyone is urging me to get back into school, through the warnings of now it will be more difficult. I really don't think it will be.... Sur it will be mentally straining at times but if it is really something that I am inspired about and motivated to finish, which I am, then it isn't a big deal if I am working, in school, and parenting.
Seriously I know that people have done it before. Sure I don't think that i am going to just go off and try to get my PHD right away or anything, but I have something in mind that I think that i will enjoy so i am motivated to do this for myself and for my small little family. Things will be so much better when I am not starting the "entry level" jobs that pay as close to minimum wage as they can get. I know every career has a starting point but I am looking forward to starting mine

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