An apple a day keeps the Doctor away..... ITS A LIE!!!!! I have the Pediatrition on speed dial on every phone!
Monday we were at the Doctor for a recheck on his latest double ear infection, everything checked out fine. T
Tuesday Max went to Daycare (which he is currently the only one there) and she noticed he was a little more clingy which is very unlike max. He is usually tearin' up the place. SO when he came home with NOnni he went down for a nap. WHich is also very unlike Max. He got up from his nap between 5:30p & 6 and had a temp. of 103 F and a rash on his thighs. This wonderful little rash had spread all over his legs and a little on his back by the time I got off work and home which is around 6:45p. He looked positivley dredful by morning!
The rash covered about 90% of his body, looking almost like welts because of the inflamation. He was also of course very itchy. So off we went to the Doctor and he explained that it was Erythema Maliforme Minor. Which in simple terms is a rash in targeted lesions all over the body; usually caused by an allergic reaction to medication or a viral infection.
SO now he has to take this nasty nasty medication to treat a rash that is caused by medication! Needless to say it is nasty therefore he will not take it. I am an adult and don't think that I would take that stuff!