Thursday, March 22, 2007

Uggh the Doctor again

An apple a day keeps the Doctor away..... ITS A LIE!!!!! I have the Pediatrition on speed dial on every phone!

Monday we were at the Doctor for a recheck on his latest double ear infection, everything checked out fine. T

Tuesday Max went to Daycare (which he is currently the only one there) and she noticed he was a little more clingy which is very unlike max. He is usually tearin' up the place. SO when he came home with NOnni he went down for a nap. WHich is also very unlike Max. He got up from his nap between 5:30p & 6 and had a temp. of 103 F and a rash on his thighs. This wonderful little rash had spread all over his legs and a little on his back by the time I got off work and home which is around 6:45p. He looked positivley dredful by morning!

The rash covered about 90% of his body, looking almost like welts because of the inflamation. He was also of course very itchy. So off we went to the Doctor and he explained that it was Erythema Maliforme Minor. Which in simple terms is a rash in targeted lesions all over the body; usually caused by an allergic reaction to medication or a viral infection.

SO now he has to take this nasty nasty medication to treat a rash that is caused by medication! Needless to say it is nasty therefore he will not take it. I am an adult and don't think that I would take that stuff!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

school or something like it

If someone would have told me about ten years ago that I would have a son at my age now, I would have laughed in their face. I think it is interesting how things all work out. I have been catching up with some old friends and hearing about everyone I went to school with back in the day :) and it is interesting to hear about some of those lives!SOme of them have like three kids, others have none but almost have their PHD in something.
I find it interesting how different choices can impact lives so greatly. If you knew me when I was young everyone knew I was destined for greatness. I had it all planned out; finishing H.S., getting my PHD in Psychology, and have three books written by the time I was 28. I wouldn't go as far to say that I never wanted kids; and I certianly did not put my life on hold simply because I was pregnant. I absolutley don't regret what has happened in life at all. It is just an interesting change of direction that I never really saw coming.
Everyone is urging me to get back into school, through the warnings of now it will be more difficult. I really don't think it will be.... Sur it will be mentally straining at times but if it is really something that I am inspired about and motivated to finish, which I am, then it isn't a big deal if I am working, in school, and parenting.
Seriously I know that people have done it before. Sure I don't think that i am going to just go off and try to get my PHD right away or anything, but I have something in mind that I think that i will enjoy so i am motivated to do this for myself and for my small little family. Things will be so much better when I am not starting the "entry level" jobs that pay as close to minimum wage as they can get. I know every career has a starting point but I am looking forward to starting mine

Friday, March 16, 2007

Bye Bye

So I have been trying to make a valiant effort at getting back into shape. Max is almost fifteen months old so I don't have much of an excuse anymore. I had a defining moment the other day when I went out shopping for the upcoming summer and bought us bathing suits for the beach and pool days. after trying on fifty million suits and looking at all the oh so adorable ones in the sizes that i used to be. I just know that I need to do this.

So I have this bike and before daylight savings time I was only able to use it on the weekends because I don't get off work until 6 or 6:30 on most nights. I have that awful contraption on the back that took hours to get together so that Max can come along for the ride; complete with helmets and pads.

Oh my did Max have a blast!! After figuring out how to get him in the darn things by myself which is no small feat, off we went to his great Grandmother's house, about 2.4 miles away. In between kicking me and leaning up to pat my back Max enjoys saying "weeeeee" and his version of "bye bye" which isn't perfected at the moment. It's great because he can turn around in the seat and see behind us because there a a pretty good size gap for him to look between, or he can look to the sides at the trees whizzing by.

So if it feels great and we both have so much fun, WHY don't i do this more often!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

New do

Well I got my hair cut and styled today for the first time. I have never been to a salon to get my hair done so it was quite an interesting experience. I was a little nervous because i have curly hair and i just expected them to make a straight style that didn't really work well curly. Wow what a difference maybe i will be a girly girl yet!

When I came home after I was finished little MOosE was fascinated by the difference. She flat ironed it out to make the cut so it was straight still when i got home. He was a little mesmerized i think; he kept pulling the strands and looking at them up close. Maybe it was just because he was feeling better. I was a little hesitant but so far everyone likes it

I just don't understand

I am a single mother with a new divorce on my shoulders. I know that i am not the only one out there in this type of situation but i just don't understand some of the choices that are being made??

My son's father decided to move 1000mi. away when Max was one month old; i let him decide that knowing that i was not going, or following. So knowing the choices that he has made I am a little more than hesitant to say "Sure come on back into my life". I know that he is Max's father, and i use that term loosely, however I am his parent and there is a big difference. I let him visit this past Christmas week, under supervision of course, but I won't let him take my son anywhere without me present.

I guess the difference is I am not afraid to take this challenge alone. It would be a blessing if Max did have a father figure in his life, however it did not work out that way. I don't yearn for the family that i started because the family we started decided to write us out. Why would i want that back?

There is someone very dear to me that i fear is making a mistake but how do you point that out without crushing her feelings?? She is a single mommy of a baby around Max's age, never married (thank God), but feels the need to let her scumbag run her life? I am not sure whether she is truly in love with him, or if it is just feelings of being alone. I am an outsider looking in so of course if she truly loves him I don't understand because I look on with a biased eye at all he has put her and her young one through.

I guess what i have pulled from this and what i hope that she comes to realize, is not to yearn for the family you started but be grateful for the family that you HAVE right in front of you. The people that really care about you, care about you enough to let you know but love you no matter what choices you make in life. It can be disheartening to be a single parent whether you are a mommy or a daddy but in the end it is about your child not yourself.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

It's official

Well, today I brought Max's Nonni & Pap to his new daycare, he is enrolled starting Monday the 12th. I really like Lanie because she is an in home daycare and now i have just discovered that she will only be taking two children permantly; max being one of those children. She has a degree and she is REALLY good with him. I find it interesting that she looks past the three adults, herself not included, in the room to interact solely with Max.

He is still really shy though, always has been since he first started noticing other people.
" Oh the humanity they are looking at me!"
I think that it will finally be really good for him to interact on a more personal level with one other child and a childcare provider; atleast until he is older and needs to be in a preschool for educational and socialization purposes.

So no more lost juice cups, diapers, or blankets. No more sharing bottles. No more twenty walking kids with a crawling baby and 1 adult. No more teachers that don't understand the structure and function of the English language. And no more teachers that can't SPELL alphabet!!