Monday, February 27, 2012

New chapters

Having a bit of bittersweet moments today. Last night was my last night at my job of 2 years and I feel like I am going to miss it a lot. I am going to be home a lot more and able to spend time with my family; which is really important because of two young kids. I don't know I always wanted to be a SAHM but I guess I am just still not used to the whole idea of only working "occasionally".

Lots of new things going on in life lately. I have to get all my exit interview stuff done and then these next couple weeks are going to be busy busy busy with moving. Then what? and wow to be off for summer!!!

 I guess I am just still reeling from all the changes happening so fast.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tres Leches

When we first started dating my honey introduced me to this wonderful Columbian restaurant that he loved to eat at. This was the first time I had ever even heard of tres leches (three milk) cake. And for two years now I have been saying... "I'm going to make that" Well we are celebrating our V-day early because I have to work overnight so I made it tonight and it has been a process lol.

<3 My inspiration<3 my honey ;)

So Max and I got to work this morning while little Jack was napping. We got together all of our ingredients after deciding i was going to do a box cake instead of making it from scratch (shhh he'll not know the difference). So I preheat the oven according to directions and then helped Max get everything into a mixing bowl for mixing.
Such a good helper:)

Grease a cake pan and lightly flour it ... Don't be to worried to get all the sides because we cut them off later to  make room for the milk so that it can soak into the cake.  Once all the ingredients were mixed we put the cake into bake as per directions and then took it out and let it cool. While we mixed the three milks together. This time we used whole milk, sweetened condensed milk and some heavy whipping cream. THere are a lot of variations that you can do with coconut milk, buttermilk, some people use eggnog... Make it your own tres leches is very versitle.

Next I cut off the edges of the cake.... save the edges and make little individual ones (max likes to decorate his peices) Also make sure you put the cake into a deep dish because the milk mix is going to be poured ontop and left inside.
Then cut the top of the cake off... You can just poke holes in it but to save from max overkilling the cake with a fork I cut a thin slice off the top with a knife... I am not fancy enough to have a cake slicer lol.

Now add the milk. Pour it ontop and around the sides and then cover and put in  the refridgerator for at least a couple hours.

For the final touch you can put on whipped cream or quickly make your own... I opted to make my own because i already had the stuff out anyway :) and Max thinks its fun. Just heavy whipping cream and sugar and mix till thick then spread over the top. For my special addition because it's our valentines I made a heart outline with chocolate chips, but you can leave it plain.

 So much fun and was really quick and easy to make.

Ingredient list:
Yellow box cake (make according to directions)
2 cups whole milk
1 14oz. can sweetened condensed milk
1 cup heavy whipping cream

for whipped cream topping
1 cup sugar
1 1/2c heavy whipping cream

1 . Bake cake according to box directions and let cool. After cooled place in deep dish and cut sides of cake off (set aside) and cut the top of the cake off in a thin strip.
2. Combine 2 cups of whole milk, can of sweetened condensed milk and 1 cup heavy whip cream.
3. Pour contents over cooled cake.
4. Mix together in separte bowl 1 cup sugar 1 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream until thick. Frost top of cake.
5 Refridgerate for at least 3 hours to soak cake and then enjoy. Remember to keep refridgerated bc of milk :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

It's been awhile...

Whelp, it turns out managing nursing school and a young child was so much to keep up with I let other interests slip by the wayside... Anywho I was looking at some of my late posts and it all seems so long ago! Now a new mommy again to my newest monster 2 months old and of course my moose ;0) Now that life has become so much less hectic maybe I can actually keep up with some of my own interests.

Still the same but of course life is always changing around us I am adapting to my new changes. New job allowing more time for my new family. Soon to be a new place to live and will be planning a wedding soon....silly honey doesn't think that I know he is looking at rings lol.

Love my little slice of paradise, hopefully I can share some of our new changes either to inspire, laugh (at or with... ), and just LIVE in the moment.