Sunday, April 20, 2008

It's broooooooken

Mr. Moose has been sick for a couple days now. He keeps telling me "Mommy ... its broooken" with extra emphasis on the o lol. I went to pick him up from daycare on Friday and he was sitting on the potty. No luck with that one. But as soon as he saw me he started in with this really pathetic little whine :( Enough to break a mommy's heart.
By the time I got him out to the car he was still whining and we ended up sitting and rocking in the car for probably 20 minutes. It was really uncharacteristic of him; I knew then that he was getting sick. So what does he do when we get home? Vomit all over the place. Hey at least it was on the tile floors right. Because no one is around to help me deal with my sick child and the vomit all over the floor except the dogs lol and they aren't going to do anything.
It is just so frustrating when he is sick because he feels so terrible and there isn't anything that I can do about it. He hates taking medicine but he has to in order to keep the fever down. I just feel so terrible for him. Poor Moose!

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