Monday, April 28, 2008

Getting closer

I went up to the school today. I figured since I start class on Monday i should get my book right? I already tried this two weeks ago but it wasn't in, and I just didn't seem to make it up there this past week. I am kicking myself in the butt for that one. I checked the ledger card today before I went to see how much I have left on the school account. Well as of my last class I had a little over $500. No problem the book won't be that much. Wrong. Well not quite; I don't know how much the book is because they do not have it in yet. But When I checked the ledger I have a balance of $0. This was explained to me. haha

Since I didn't use all of the loan money from the last semester the college took it upon themselves to pay the money back to the money. Why?? I am not out of school and it will be used !! So now I run the risk of having to pay out of pocket for my Microbiology class. That is a little scary considering the book is probably around $300 and the class is around $900. Ridiculous!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

pheww that's over (almost)

Well having a little boy in my family isn't always fun. He has had an unexplained fever for the past 4 days with spikes around 104-105. That sounds high I know but he had no other symptoms (until yesterday). Yesterday he started with a runny nose but it wasn't until late in the day. I contacted the doctor. Because of his "history" with fevers and the family history he just told me to keep track of the fevers and let him know by noon-1 what was going on.

I don't know why but boys in my family seem to spike unexplained temperatures that are very high. I was a little concerned because I thought that this had somehow skipped Moose, because we haven't had any problems with fevers that were not connected to an ear infection. I was wrong. SO we have spent all weekend curled up on the couch watching movies (with me trying to force fluids on him). He missed yesterday and today's daycare but I think that he will be fine to go tomorrow, there has been no fever since last night AND he has been eating everything in sight today and actually playing all morning.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The new "Toy"

So Max got an outside "clubhouse" or as he calls it a "TOY" My mom took pictures and brought them into work and showed a lot of people. THey all called it hog heaven (whatever that means lol). So I figured it was time I got off my lazy butt and put up some pictures of his new safe place in our backyard.
Mom called me one Thursday afternoon (after she has been telling me about this "toy" for weeks) and says "Hey come up to the store with me so you can see this". I had to borrow Mommom's car because my car is not very big PLUS it has a car seat in the backseat. Anyway I get up to the store and It is wonderful Max loves it! So of course he wanted it set up as soon as it was home. But that isn't even it. I am waiting for these guys to haul it outside in its box and when they get it there it is enormous. No way was that fitting in her car. We had to rent a truck from the Home Depot in order to get it home.So that is what it looks like all set up. We foolishly set it up knowing that it had to be put into a mulched out area. You would think three adults working on it would have more sense haha. But Max loves it we spent the next day setting up the place where it would go in our yard.

SO Max Loves it did I mention that already? He spent the day home playing on it the first day it was set up (which was a Friday so it was alright). He calls it his TOY and is completely thrilled when we are on the porch and see birds landing on its roof. I'll leave you with a couple pictures of Max playing on it.

It's broooooooken

Mr. Moose has been sick for a couple days now. He keeps telling me "Mommy ... its broooken" with extra emphasis on the o lol. I went to pick him up from daycare on Friday and he was sitting on the potty. No luck with that one. But as soon as he saw me he started in with this really pathetic little whine :( Enough to break a mommy's heart.
By the time I got him out to the car he was still whining and we ended up sitting and rocking in the car for probably 20 minutes. It was really uncharacteristic of him; I knew then that he was getting sick. So what does he do when we get home? Vomit all over the place. Hey at least it was on the tile floors right. Because no one is around to help me deal with my sick child and the vomit all over the floor except the dogs lol and they aren't going to do anything.
It is just so frustrating when he is sick because he feels so terrible and there isn't anything that I can do about it. He hates taking medicine but he has to in order to keep the fever down. I just feel so terrible for him. Poor Moose!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gender Confusion

So today I was confronted and was told that I am going to confuse my son about the roles of genders. Hello!!! Are we living in the 1800s?? I am sorry but living in the world today there is nothing that I am personally doing that will confuse him about gender roles. Honestly I don't want him to think that there are "stereotypical roles" and maybe that is wrong.

So the reason this was said to me is because we have been spending an awful lot of time at the Home Depot because we are building a retaining wall, stairs and a walkway. Now call me crazy but having my son exposed to this is not confusing the "gender roles". I think that if something is worth doing anyone can do it. I don't think that a woman should ONLY do housework and gardening. So what if I want to get dirty and build a retaining wall. It isn't a big deal it is a wall! Not saying that I think women can do whatever they want and men are left to their "roles". I think that a man should also do things outside of this stereotypical "gender role". There is nothing wrong with a man that can cook, clean, or raise children.

I am not trying to make an example or set a double standard. I just do not think that it is such a big deal for a woman to do "man's work" (as it was so humbly put to me). We don't live in a society were women are delicate fragile beings anymore that has all gone out the window. So If I want to build a wall or pave a walkway. That is what I am going to do. I am not anti men or anything like that, And I don't think that it is going to confuse a little boy if mommy is out building a wall in the backyard. I think it might actually be better for him to understand that men and women do not have set "roles" and can contribute to whatever they please.

I haven't heard anyone yelling about gender confusion when my dad spends hours sweeping and mopping the floor then cooks dinner. And there certainly isn't a role reversal going on in this household. I cook just as much as the men in the house and I am outside working just as much as they are as well. It makes me a little angry when people are poking there nose into things that aren't really any of their business. I think having Max exposed to this is more beneficial to his perspective of society than it would be to expose him to "gender role" stereotypes.