School has been so hectic on my life in general that i don't seem to have much of anything to life now besides studying. I get so frustrated with this college sometimes b/c they treat lectures like we are babies but test us like we are experts! What is up with that?
I mean seriously I have never felt like so much of an idiot as sitting through some of these lectures. They hand you the powerpoint notes before the lecture and READ what is written on them. Now come on if I am in college I think that it is pretty well established that i can read. So then we get tested, pardon me for being the nerd but I enjoy. The test comes and some of these questions are out of left field. I have done pretty well on the tests in this class so far and I still have an A for the class but here is when the really fun part comes. not only do you sit down for this test the instructor grades it and compiles a percentage for each question on how many students got it wrong. There have been so many questions thrown out that it is ridiculous. If I recieved a 90 on a test I earned the 90 not the 93. Most people don't complain about the grade going up but it gets better. The unfair part about this is when you do well on tests the thrown out questions don't affect your grade. so i went up three points on this one particular test; another student went up 7 another went up 10. It is an uneven distribution of points and is not fair, not right. I believe that it is dumbing down the college system.